Sunday, May 31, 2009

Katie's new pet

So some girl in our neighborhood gave KatieRose a little gecko a few days ago. She LOVED that little gecko, she carried it around with her everywhere. She played with it...too much. So much that it died. I actually think it died last night, but she was still carrying it around with her half the day today insisting that it was fine. Finally I made Trey check it out (cuz you KNOW I wasn't about to touch it) and he officially pronounced it dead. Well Katie cried and cried and cried. She said, "But mommy, it was my first pet, and it DIED. I mean, it's DEAD. I'm so sad." So stupid me, I'm such a sucker, I told her that I had seen a sign for a free kitten and maybe if she stopped crying I'd call the number and we could check it out. Well, I guess the picture says it all. We now have a new member of our household. When I left for work tonite its name was Cupcake. That's the 3rd name it's had since this afternoon. I'll let you know if it changes again. But at the very least, its a pet I'm not afraid to touch...

1 comment:

KerryBear said...