Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Love and Marriage, Love and Marriage...

...Go together like a horse and carriage, let me tell you brother, you SHOULDN'T have one without the other...
So I'm married. Again. I said I never would do it, but I did. And I love it. I'm happier than I've been in years. I can't wipe the stupid grin off my face. Sometimes I can't believe its real, that I really did it. But then I see this ring on my finger and all his stuff in my house and the beautiful man sleeping beside me and I know that not only is it real, it's right. I miss him when he's gone for a day at work, and get butterflies when its time for him to come home to me again. I think maybe this is the way marriage is supposed to be? Anyways, it's good. And Jenny, I promise I will never roll my eyes and make puking sounds again when you talk about how much you love your husband and how you miss him when he's gone. The cold-hearted bitch has fallen. I know you're all laughing at me, but I don't even care. Live, Laugh, is good!