Friday, April 30, 2010

It's been a while...

So I just logged in and realized that it's been quite a while since I posted. Why? you ask. I guess because I just really don't have much to bitch about any more. And I don't want to make all of you jealous when I talk about how great my life is and how happy I am. I read back over all of my blogs from the last couple years and realize what a complete and total train wreck I was. I knew I was a little rough around the edges, but I don't think I realized just how completely fucked up I was. Poor Kerry, you became my roommate at such a crazy time of my life...but you loved me anyways...and were the one who told me to start blogging...told me how therapeutic it would right you were...and Jenny...yes, Jenny the proxy got to live the crazy life vicariously thru me! How lucky were you! But I'm so sorry to disappoint you all. I am now well on my way to becoming a functional, mature (?!?), grown up. (Shut it, Jason, I am.) Scary thought? Maybe. But I kind of like my new, relatively drama-free life. And I can't wait for you all to meet my wonderful man, soulmate, and love of my life. Quit puking Steph. Roll your eyes if you want. I don't care. I'm happy, I'm madly, hopelessly in love, and I don't care who laughs at me. Just do me a favor when you come visit. Tell Jason that I'm really not a train wreck anymore. At least comparatively....


Just me said...

HAHA... I'll think about it. But I am happy for you.... even if I do vomit a little inside. ;) LOVE YA

KerryBear said...

You keep saying Poor Kerry... I keep saying Thank God for Julia, that was the best 5 months of my life!!!!!!!!!!