Saturday, September 19, 2009


Why do I do this? Why do I let people treat me like shit repeatedly? Just because I'm not a bitch doesn't mean that I don't care and don't get my feelings hurt. Sometimes I feel like I just need to start being an asshole or I'm just gonna keep getting walked on my whole life. But the problem is...I don't WANT to be an asshole. I'm not very GOOD at being an asshole. You'd think being nice would count for something, but I guess it's not good enough. So because I truly don't mind helping people out, I get taken advantage of and am expected to help beyond what I am able. Because I truly do care about your happiness, my happiness means nothing. Because I don't bitch and whine and pout when things aren't exactly as I'd like them to be, then I guess how I'd like things to be must not really matter. Sometimes I wish I were capable of saying to hell with it all and becoming a self-centered manipulative bitch. It seems to work so well for other people. But since I can't be what I'm not, I guess I'm stuck being the doormat. That's who I am. Just tattoo WELCOME across my forehead.

1 comment:

Just me said...

Perhaps you should read my blog again..... ;)